After using HB within the first week (first time HB use), I've recieved my first 72 hours suspension for 3rd party use (HB). I believe that the ban was triggered by the automatic system (the HB struck problem confused the system). I was asleep when I got the ban. So when I wake up, I've found out that my account is suspended and then I made a ticket to GM immediately. After 10 mins, I got a reply (automated reply, it seems) and suddenly, my account got unbanned. So, I'm just wondering... if I get banned again, will my acc be gone for good? This WoW account is the only account I have and it's my main.
welp from my experience there is no way to tell. I have had several accounts insta perm-banned, some 3 day warnings, and some with warnings and then a perma-ban. So there really is no way to tell you for sure and sometimes theyll send you emails regarding things you never even did so dont follow what they say too closely lol. I have had accts banned for "abuse of economy 'gold-selling'" and the accts in question had never been involved in sales they were strictly farming accts. However i must say. If your going to bot your taking a risk. So if its not worth losing your acct i would say you need to stop botting or get another acct.