Ok so lots of us are waiting for the questing beta so thought we can all have a "get to know you" session while we wait. So lets here everyone's age/sex/location and why you started botting. I'll go first : Age : 32 Sex : Not as often as i'd like (Male) Location : Staffordshire, UK Why i started botting : I first started playing wow when TBC came out. I hand levelled a warlock to 70 and thought "Oh my god that was boring" but loved the endgame content. I then discovered glider
Age : 17 Sex : Male Location : London, UK Why i started botting : After my CSS/CS1.6 Clan disbanded we all came to WoW and got to 60 and done alot of TBC Raiding, then the expansion came out and i decided to sell accounts then came accross Glider and it went from there really , altho even now i prefer to hand level rather than bot
Age : 21 Sex : Male (obviously) Location : Spijkenisse,Netherlands Why?: cause it gives a whole new twist to playing wow, and I've started with glider which was nice but I was too scared to use it too often but now we got this in return. So now I'm a heavy type botter and using everything I can ingame to make my play time a proper fun run!
LOL mmmmm Age: Of Legal Consent... Sex: Been awhile.. i think i forgot what this is... Location: My cave Why I started botting: Blizzard banned my very first account before i even knew you could bot in this game. So i did some research and been botting since... TAKE THAT BLIZZARD!!!! Why I still bot: its like a real time puzzle... always changing.. always having to adapt..
Age : 18 Sex : Male Location: Derbyshire, United Kingdom Started botting originally with glider to get from 60-70 when TBC came out, since then had a break from wow all together until wotlk. Handlevelled to 80 but got bored of the class so bought honorbuddy Thought it was so good 2 days later i bought GB too! Thanks for everything <3
Age : 29 Sex : Male Location : Athens, Greece Why i started botting :i have leveled a Hunter to 60(lvl cap was 70) then Glider came to my wow "life" and now i am playing Hb and Gb,not WoW
Age: 17 Sex: Male Location: Good ol' Arizona, US I started botting once I realized that this game could be cheated like any other game. I was always trying to find ways to cheat in games, I thought it was more fun than playing the games themselves! My buddy had told me it was impossible to cheat in this game, so after a few weeks of playing legit ( getting only my first char to 31ish) I found Glider, and from then on I was in love. I was dumb and probably spent a week or two straight in Thousand needles or whatever it's called but never got banned, my first ban came year or so later when I was hit by the first ban wave on here
Age : 20 Sex : Male Location : London , UK Why i started botting : Laziness at first i'd imagine, i cant really remember. But look where that has gotten me.. my god... i cant even play wow now, i play HB.
21,M,Canada Started first with a fishbot on mmowned (this was quite a while ago) and then moved on to glider. I made enough gold just to get by with selling golden fish sticks and get some proper gear for my main in bc. Stopped botting when wotlk came out and played manually until I discovered gb then I got my main banned. At first it was just so I could get extra gold (remember this was when we had 1 spec and I was a resto druid so I could barely kill anything). Now its mostly for fun and to see just how much I can get.
Age : 30 Sex : I am a virgin until my dad pre-arranges my wedding Location : Michigan Why i started botting : I find it more enjoyable to bot than to actually play the game. I actually played this game from Beta until about 10 months ago when I left to bot another game and release. I came back to wow with full intentions of never actually playing it. This has been successful so far....
18/M/Brisbane Australia Well.. I started fish boting back in BC to make some money then once Wrath hit.. I was on MMowned alot.. and i saw something about Mmototus.. so i got into farming some herbs and ore with that, then HB and GB came along.. and i went from having.. 1 account to 12 hahahaha /win
13/f/Ca I started because i like talking to people and if you ever want to come to my house ill be here...... Lol..Jk 17/m/Tn I started botting because I hated leveling and i was thinking about quiting but then i found this bot and now i have to much gold and way to many level 80s. =)
Age: Old enough to be a mother to most of ya...... Sex: well that's kinda personal..... Loc: Sunny California I started botting because..... well I really have no idea... I was in Aion and there were tons of bots, thought I would investigate and I found Nesox's Mr. Fishit... further investigation (left by Nesox cookie crumbs) led me here. I bought a one year of GB and I was fascinated enough to give HB a go. So that leads me to another questions... Is WoW the only game our wonderful devs build bots for? We already know 3 work on it full time and 3 others part time or something like that
Age : 35 Sex : Male Location:AZ, USA Well I got started because I got tired of the constant grind to make gold...Now I have more fun botting than playing for real. In fact I have let my subscription lapse on my main....lol
Age: 17 Sex: Shemale Loc: Denmark Started botting cus WoW got boring and I wanted to make a little cash doing nothing <3
20, male, UK (Wales) Started botting my first character at 70 not too long after WOTLK came out, I used Pirox. Always hated the setup of that. Friend of mine found HB, recommended it, I purchased HB and shortly after GB - use both regularly. 3 level 80's, one hand levelled, one hand levelled to 70 then PVP'd to 80 with pirox, and the other completley botted to 70 and then I used dungeon finder to do the last 10 myself. All in all, very satisfied with how things are going - looking forward to the questing release to get my DK/Priest to 80!
I trump your 32 with my 44! the official stats Age:44 Loc: southern california Sex:Female Married: yes Kids: 2.... boy 16 and girl 12 ( no you can't date her don't ask ) Games I play: WoW (obviously) Allods (its free) Guild Wars ( rarely) Husband hates wow, loves warhammer..... go figure... and yes that is my real life pic as my avatar ( no I will not send you nudes ) Morga