So I've got a couple characters running around grouped together with rebornbuddy running fates together using FateAutoLeveler. The problem is that, due to being grouped, when one teleports to the next area it sends a teleport request to the other that sits in the lower right. When the OTHER character hits the appropriate level and goes to tp to the next area he is presented with this error repeatedly without anything being done about it. Is there any way to clear the group teleport request, or decline them automatically? This is preventing my bots from grouping and leveling together (which generally means faster leveling as they kill faster assisting each other on a fate, and that means easier leveling!). Thanks! (google seaching for a way to disable this party teleport system, or how to auto decline them, is giving me nothing!) -Mojo
Does pressing escape decline the group teleport request? If so, I could change the FateAutoLeveler plugin code for you to make it press escape before teleporting anywhere, just in case the dialog is there.
I don't believe so. You can test it yourself though, simply group with one of your characters and try to teleport somewhere. It will give the other a popup asking if they wish to accept for free. (Group teleporting) The dialog remaining open is what causes the issue ! [Edit]: Nvm just did it myself, Escape simply closes the dialog, but until you click "No" it will never go away D:!
Additionally, when you try to teleport manually after a request has been given this error does not exist. Does it explicitly have something to do with how RebornBuddy tries to teleport you???
shot in the dark, did you try ff14bot.RemoteWindows.SelectYesno.ClickNo()? you can run in console to see if it works