I created this profile to farm Zangarmarsh for crates to fish up the Weather Beaten Journal (required to learn the "Find Fish" ability) Its a short profile that covers all Steam Pump Flotsam pools, which is were you'll get the crates that contain the journal. I've added the mailbox, but no repair/vendor (was having some issues with zaprecorder and given most people will only run the profile for an hour or so till they get the journal I didn't bother trying to figure it out). Instructions In order to use this profile you will need a Fishing bot. I use Poolfishing Buddy because its awesome. Props to iggi for that bot. Log in to HB. Set bot to Pool Fisher (or whatever else you use) Load the Profile. Click start. ???????? Profit. Easy! I got a crate with the journal in it on my 2nd circuit of the profile. So it definitely covers the right area. Enjoy! I know the journal isn't hard to get by yourself, but, seriously, if we wanted to do things ourselves we wouldn't be here.
Thank you very much for this profile. Used it to level my fishing + cooking and I got the journal as a nice bonus! Cheers
Worked really good for my limnologist,used this to catch golden vendorfish from steam pump pools,took me the time to go BrB bio
Updated ti to fish only from junk pools *You may fish up all junk pools and bot will fly endlessly fishing nothing. *if the bot dont want to load this profile, load any other which dont have pools specified (GB or AA), start&stop the bot, load this profile.