Assuming you're trying to hunt specifically for an item like Zin'rokh, do you blacklist all other non-troll sites? If you do, then won't you run out of dig sites for troll on that continent quickly? (since I assume the dig site locations are random and therefore you can have 4 fossil sites up at once) Or is it best to just leave everything off the blacklist so that it will avoid running out of troll sites?
I do blacklist everything but troll digsites. That's worth it when you get in Stranglethorn and troll digsites pops there one after the other... sometimes. It would be interesting to compare how many troll digsites/hour you can find with different blacklist config though. I doubt it would really change anything if running for days, but who knows...
Did they change archaeology or something? If you blacklist everything buet troll, you will get 4x blacklisted digsites fairly quickly and break AB. It's pointless.
If you get 4X black listed AB just flys to the closest one and gives it a "whirl" so it does not "break" AB.