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  • About the decision of new bots and stuff

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Sodori, Sep 20, 2013.

    1. Sodori

      Sodori New Member

      Jan 13, 2012
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      Hi all,

      First off, well done! Been using HB for a long time especially lazy raider because I don't want to learn my rotations all over. Been playing since year after vanilla WoW launched and in the Lich King I was pretty much top dog. I have been just about anything there is but Blizzard pretty much destroyed the whole deal by Cata and all their new mechanics. All my dear some characters after that felt like a recent e-bay purchase, and I could not get the grips of my characters as much as I could back in the days. So I went for other means, and eventually found you! And I really like you, I like you I like the community and pretty much everything. I think I got lifetime 3 HB keys, and I think I got that by mistake. No matter though because even if I won't use two of them most of my time, it's money for you and that's in the end good. Just tell me how I can send you beer and I will do my best to give the most people I can the ability to cheer with me for a fantastic bot :) (I am serious!)

      Now for the more on topic one, and I really wonder. What goes into deciding a bot? Just moments of opportunity? Winter Buddy being the lowest in the totem pole, did your beloved leader just find a guy doing a good job making a bot for the game or was it more of a poll thing and assigning some off the staff list? You have not seemly went too much for the more action oriented MMO's but World Of Tanks and Winterbuddy, it it due to the difficulty? I have played TERA most recently and yeah I am a sort of bouncer, jumping between games. But games like TERA must be rather easy to at least come up with the necessary profile since it's all pretty linear regardless of the class/race. So I am just curious, what is the though process in whether or not a new bot gets launched? Is there some particular brand like action MMO or korean MMO or something that is close to impossible to bot and thus you are avoiding it even if passed the bot it is rather easy to actually setup? I know buying bot keys from you is probably one of the best out there, with lots of help and generally good bots. The tank buddy is a derp at least last time I tested him, but I can't blame it for being a derp really. Perhaps now it's less of a derp and yes I will try it again some time :)

      Thank you all, and give yourself a pat on the back from me!

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