I've been trying to run a couple different gathering profiles for Uldum, for ore, and I keep dying. I've watched the bot and it doesn't even go into combat. Why is this? I have singular in my combatclasses folder.. and it works perfectly for questing profiles..
I'm playing a rogue, I don't know how to get a log, and I also have no idea what or how to change the pull distance. I don't know why there should be a pull distance set when I'm trying to mine a node, and get attacked, the pull distance should be irrelevant no?
Sorry for the delay in posts, I tried also running the BG bot today, and noticed it didn't attack either. So here is the log from that.. I manually attacked a few times while it was running... to see if it would keep on using abilities after combat was initiated and no luck. So here is the log from that BG run, and I'm gonna guess if you guys can figure that one out it'll probably figure out the Gathering combat also. Thanks in advance, let me know if you need anymore details and I'll gladly grab them ASAP so I can get back to botting!
[9:38:00 AM:117] [Singular] Singular currently does not support Combat for this class/spec combination, in this context! [Rogue, SubtletyRogue, Normal] ether change your spec, or find a new CC.
i would try a fresh intall of hb, update singular from the svn, and see how that goes. also check that you have movment enabled under the class settings because that seems to be a common error in you log is the movmement routine.
Just a heads up: AFK Botting a rogue will give you more trouble and headaches than it is worth (IMO). Try another class (pally (or DK)is best for mining (IMO)) and druid is best for herbing.
Well, my only mining toon is my rogue, and it has been for a long time. I use to AFK gather using LazyBot with no issues what so ever, but this bot is way better. I just can't seem to figure out how to get the settings to work right. Note: My PVP Spec IS subt. I have combat as a PVE spec. When I started this bot, I was in PVP gear, with PVP spec set. Also note: I'm leveling a DK, and Warlock using singularity with kick's questing profiles and have no issues with combat at all. @chickenl - How do I check for that? My rogue moves about on his own no problems. Mounts, flies, does everything, except fight. EDIT: Even if I can get this bot to just spam 1 ability, like sinister strike, or since it'll be sub, hemo.. I'm happy with that, I should be able to afk bot spamming that on targets, and easily gatherbot in Uldum.