I'm running Shadow's mining profile trying to do some gather in Winterspring however its not collecting thoirum ores because its not listed in [ Bot Config > Node Selection.. So my bot is not collection em is it possible to add nodes to that section?
Just check the ores you want to collect and it should be fine. If a node is unchecked, the bot won't collect them. It will collect any ore in the area as long as the ore is actually enabled (=> checked) // Guess I misunderstood - it is not even listed? It really should. Are you sure you've not just missed it? -- After checking: Thorium veins are actually listed, but only the Rich and the Small ones, because there are no normal ones. Check "Small Thorium Vein" and "Rich Thorium Vein" and it should work.
I was at 225 when I asked about thoriums i had to do them manually pain in the ... But i still need to solve this problem gonna use GB much more often. Edit1:1 I have the latest version of honorbuddy also deleted and re-installed still persist. Edit2: I also restart both now as you said Tony . and yes I have the neccesary sill requirement skill for that type of node. aka Thorium I was able to gather them when i did manually
Yes I did that Tony but still they are not listed. Edit : I logged with another toon wich has 525 Mining it shows all Nodes listed... But not on my other character wich is i'm trying to level up mining skill still no thorium its just like bugged or something QQ
Yes I'm sure %200 I was able to gather that node by hand. Its seems very confusing... " Thorium Ore - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft Thorium Ore is mined from various Thorium veins, with a minimum mining skill of 230. " My mining skill is at 249 and still not listed on that section for honorbuddy.
That's a problem for the devs then. Gonna have to look at what level that option is shown at. In my understanding the available nodes list is handled by hb and not the profile...
make a last try plz redownload and make a new Hb installation from scratch and try again post back and if you still got issues i will forward it to Raphus
Is there a Thorium Vein ? I thought it was only Rich and Small ones. thorium vein - Wowhead Search Here is what i get
Yes, only Small and Rich. The OP, however, does not get either of them. Theres no kind of Thorium Veins listed at his version, probably because HB requires a higher level of Mining while you only need X to actually mine it
updated mineral list for the next release. looks like minimum skill requirements have been changed without me noticing.