Hi there. 100% afk IV act Horadric Cache farming : View attachment 4act(v1.2).xml REQ: -last DB -trinity -quest tools [ENG]: This profile do : IV act maps quests , and kill bosses. 45 way point: -find diablo portal -kill diablo - complete bounty task 44 way point: -find boss portal -kill boss - return to prev. map and complete bounty task 42 way point: -do bounty quests 41 way point: - go to boss - kill boss - return to prev. map and complete bounty task 43 way point: - go to 2 lvl dungeon - complete the task Known issues: Find diablo and izual portal sometimes takes a long time(coz bot algorithm works so) 42 way point bug : sometimes bot just skip Bounty Quests and use TownTeleport. But it may be fixed in last version of profile. If you have this bug just "comment" 133 line in profile and "uncomment" 134 line. As i know bounty rewards do not depend on level of difficulty , then you can play "normal". Because this profile is not good for farming gold or items( because finding the portals got long time) P.S. sry for my poor english [RUS]: Профиль выполняет поручения в 4 акте в такой последовательности: 5,4,2,1,3 , так же бот заглядывает к боссу , если он есть в локации. То есть по убыванию шанса бота застрять(чтобы не терять много времени при рестарте). 5 и 4 локи иногда долго ищет телепорт к боссу. Пытался прописать зависимость респауна и координат телепорта, но в той же локе с диабло насчитал около 15-20 ресов, и отказался от этой идеи. Кроме того на 42 вейпойнте, иногда скипает поручение(пишет что выполнено), поставил 6 секундный таймер перед стартом выполнения , вроде всё ок. Профиль не очень годиться для фарма голды и предметов, из за затрат времени на поиск телепорта. Смело ставте уровень сложности на "нормал". В профиль уже накидал пачку костылей, чтобы бот по природе своих багов не застревал
Yea. But test it before going afk. Bot must comlpete 5 maps then restart the game. Btw updated today: ExitFound just replaced by ObjectFound
hi every time i try to load the profile i get this and wont even read the file can u help me out? Failed to load profile: Requested value 'BountyComplete' was not found. - Line: 70 System.Exception: Requested value 'BountyComplete' was not found. - Line: 70 at ..(PropertyInfo , XAttribute , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at ..(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at ..(XElement , Type ) at ...(XElement ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at ..(XElement , PropertyInfo ) at ..(PropertyInfo , XElement , Object ) at Zeta.XmlEngine.XmlEngine.Load(Object obj, XElement element) at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(XElement element, String path) at Zeta.Bot.Profile.Profile.Load(String path) at Zeta.Bot.ProfileManager.Load(String profilePath, Boolean rememberPath)
Имел ту же ошибку, что и в верхнем топике. Ошибка возникала при запуске обоих конфигов при наличии старых(дефолтных) Тринити и Квест тулзы. Все решается ручным обновлением плагинов до последней версии. Спасибо тебе ЧЕЛОВЕЧИЩЕ! Все работает как часы! Лучший фарм профиль! EN: SK74 : you must to update plugins(Trinity&QuestTools). That fix all problems for running.
[RUS:] мне просто необходимо хорадримское сокровище, там падает щит для крестаносца. Инугда на изуале может застрять, но у меня уже несколько дней всё ок. [ENG:] profile can stuck at Izual , but no stucks for me about 3+ days
I tried it today and it works pretty well in terms of completing the bounties, but when 4 were done it restarted the game without completing the 5th bounty or quest! Any idea why?
Same here, instead of 5th bounty character goes to kill diablo once more, gets stuck and quits. Anyway best profile i found by now, gj.
hi yes everytime I use this it trys to make a game and I get a error message like 3166116 in game . DB.loading the profile all seems good and if I make a game myself and run the bot it works fine. just everytime it trys to make its own game. any tips or anything to fix? tyvm
right click the profile and go to EDIT. then find this... <GameParams quest="101758" step="1" act="OpenWorld" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" /> Delete """""" quest="101758" step="1" """""" as we are in an openworld and not on a quest. solved the making games issue, did not solve the known issue where it just tries to kill Diablo when it is not the quest I've never made a profile but i'll take a look at why it's doing that i guess.
Guys, if u got stuck plz screenshot and post here . Coz i have no problems with profile. BTW i use DB BETTA, try to use betta Explaining 5 map with diablo : Find the teleport depending on the city Code: <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 270011"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="557.9392" y="523.653" z="2.796464" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="45" /> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200" /> </If> <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 92945"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="401.759" y="414.875" z="1.5338" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="45" /> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200" /> </If> <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 168314"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="324.8699" y="291.0312" z="1.645629" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="45" /> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200" /> </If> <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 332339"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="402.1266" y="553.8417" z="24.9016" actorId="223757" waypointNumber="45" /> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200" /> </If> If 5 location then search teleport to diablo Code: <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 109540"> <TrinityExploreDungeon questId="312429" stepId="2" until="ObjectFound" boxSize="40" actorId="210763" boxTolerance="0.001" pathPrecision="15" ignoreMarkers="True"/> <!--<TrinityExploreDungeon questId="312429" stepId="2" until="ExitFound " boxSize="40" exitNameHash="-72895048" boxTolerance="0.001" pathPrecision="15" ignoreMarkers="True"/> --> <While condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 109540"> <UseObject questId="1" actorId="210763" isPortal="True" interactRange="15" destinationWorldId="205434" /> </While> <While condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 205434"> <MoveTo questId="1" x="289.8375" y="289.1764" z="2.05" pathPrecision="8" /> <UseObject questId="1" actorId="161279" isPortal="True" interactRange="15" destinationWorldId="109561" /> </While> </If> if "diablo" location then MoveTo diablo Do MoveTO while not 215235 - is last phase diablo location. Then forcing TownTeleport Code: <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 109563"> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="5000" /> <While condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 109563"> <!--<TrinityExploreDungeon questId="312429" stepId="2" until="ObjectFound" boxSize="40" timeoutType="Timer" TimeoutValue ="60000" actorId="114917" boxTolerance="0.001" pathPrecision="15" ignoreMarkers="True"/> --> <TrinityMoveTo questId="1" x="394.0291" y="393.007" z="40.61" pathPrecision="8" /> </While> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="2000" /> <While condition="CurrentLevelAreaId != 215235"> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="2000" /> </While> <While condition="CurrentLevelAreaId != 92945"> <UseTownPortal questId="312429" stepId="2"/> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="2000" /> </While> </If> Then we need to return 5 location to complete the bounty Code: <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 92945"> <UseWaypoint questId="1" x="401.759" y="414.875" z="1.5338" actorId="6442" waypointNumber="45" /> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="200" /> </If> Then ExploreDungeon until BountComplete Code: <If condition="CurrentLevelAreaId == 109540"> <TrinityExploreDungeon questId="312429" stepId="2" until="BountyComplete" boxSize="40" boxTolerance="0.001" pathPrecision="15" ignoreMarkers="True"/> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="2000" /> <While condition="CurrentLevelAreaId != 92945"> <UseTownPortal questId="312429" stepId="2"/> <WaitTimer questId="101758" stepId="1" waitTime="2000" /> </While> </If> This profile is not perfect but Trinity and DB do not have any documentation (except where the old missed many tags) A lot of While and Timer tags coz bot stucks without this P.S. sry for my horrible english :O
hi, i got that problem, after reaching all 5 bountys he doesnt pick up the cache from tyrael. After killing diablo left the game :/ any idea why?
Mine is just: 1-Killing Diablo. 2-Does 3 or 4 bounties. 3-Talk to Tyrael (no quest, just talks), then leave and create another... Its a very good profile tough, but not for get boxes yet...
It's a nice profile but when it comes to the bounty were diablo is it regardless if diablo is the bounty or not it kills him does all the other bounty's then restarts. So if D is the bounty fine i get cube is not it does all but that one. Strange.
Привет, у меня проблема. Использую последнюю версию "Demonbuddy 1.1.1862.359". Персонаж не идет убивать Диабло, он заходит на локу и просто стоит у входа. Если руками его провести вперёд то в бой он вступает все ок. И дальше профиль работает...