Hello Buddy community! I'm considering building a new computer, my current computer is coming up on 6 years old and quite frankly isn't cutting it anymore. I asked this community for help building my current computer and was able to build the perfect computer for my needs so i figured I'd come back the 2nd time around. Current Specs: I need your guy's help and advice on choosing new parts because I know absolutely nothing about computer hardware and would likely order parts that aren't compatible. I'll be able to reuse my Case/Hard-Drive, I'm not sure if i can/should reuse my RAM or upgrade that as well. I'd like to keep my budget for this project under $700 if possible. I don't need a monster of a machine just something that will let me run games are 60+fps without much lag. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/general-discussion-forum/12746-computer-build-wow-10.html ^^ This is a link to my previous post when i first asked for help building my computer, my needs haven't changed much....I just want to be able to run WoW @ Ultra 60+fps without issues. Any questions PLEASE ask = ) Thanks.
CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116899&cm_re=4670k-_-19-116-899-_-Product CPU Fan: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...re=cpu_cooler_lga_1150-_-35-103-065-_-Product Mainboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...1&cm_re=mainboard_1150-_-13-128-731-_-Product RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...0231314&cm_re=Ram_1600-_-20-231-314-_-Product GPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...2&cm_re=Radeon_R9_290X-_-14-121-922-_-Product cpu: 250$ cpu cooler: 30$ board: 75$ ram: 55$ gpu:300$ -------------------- total: 710$
http://pcpartpicker.com/user/brainbuddy/saved/grGMnQ you could change the i5 4690k for the non K version to spare some money. or change the GPU with a different gtx 960 next time don't repost the same stuff and if you didn't like the stuff that happen with the previus thread just go to an computer forum and ask it there