Hey guys, I had my own internet community until a couple of months back, it was an underground community for music fans, but we discussed a lot other subjects and even had BBQs every 2 months. Anyway, one day one dumbuck hacker hacked the site and pretty much screwed it up, deleted all the threads, changed the passwords and even put his own banner up, he took screenshots and started bragging in his hacking forums. Since i couldnt get the database back and didnt know enough about security, i pretty much let the site die. Now that the bot is down, id like to start back up. i need your advice to do things right this time.
Not sure if this board is the right place to discuss these things nonetheless. Make backups, lots of backups. Do a database backup every night. Then every time you make any changes on the site make sure to backup the site as well, I recommend using Dropbox as your backup media. Note that dropbox itself is not a backup only a storage. Then every few weeks you pull out all the backups from the Dropbox and store them at a safe place, id say at least 2 different harddrives. (or keep em in Dropbox and copy em to another place every few weeks, and not same harddrive Dropbox is setup)
Thx for the advice, i know this is a botting community, but meh, im bored. one of my mains concerns is security, my old board was made on phpbb
Mate you got hacked probally because you didn't update your board regularly and prob allowed a script kiddy to use a simple copy and paste exploit to take your board down. My advice stay up to date!
meh if you know what your doing you can "Hack" or get around any thing.. And forums run on mysql get into the server the whole system is yours.
Yeah, Im well aware that my site didnt pose any challenge to the hacker, but hevknew more than i did, lol