May oppinion are that in manual ban cases blizz will scan your Win Install ID and check what account are on this system in the last X days. They check them too and hammer them down. I have no good solution but u can use many VM?s but no idea from where u can get alot of private IP?s. Public IP?s from H M A or others suppliers looks suspicous, i dont recommend to usem them. I have alot of private *****s from my friends all over in my country, which i can use...
Just claim you were hacked, since that "Unusual access pattern" message is when a person with a different IP address accesses your account.
well, if i do that..the my Household ip here gets blackballed and all my accounts will suffer. Trust me i already tried that one, and i still got perma banned. 14 accounts and not one of them gets a sencond chance sounds like somone is targeting me personally i think
precious is doing 8 battlenet accounts for 20 euros , use a Virtaul Private Network this time on a locked IP address (hidemyass offers this, so it doesn't change)