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  • Aggro en route to FATE

    Discussion in 'Rebornbuddy Forum' started by Arbeit, Jul 18, 2015.

    1. Arbeit

      Arbeit New Member

      Jun 29, 2015
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      Encountering a very bot-like occurrence, primarily in East Shroud FATE grinding from 15-20ish...

      Basically the FATE bot will ignore any encountered mobs en route to whatever destination, whether it is a specific FATE or back to the Aetheryte. However, once destination has been reached, it will turn around and attempt to fight off the aggro'd mob, but by then the mob is has already been tethered and is invulnerable. It looks extremely foolish to aggro a mob mid-route, get to your destination, THEN start to fight. Especially if it has already begun running away, in which case you are stuck taking a step, trying to cast (if caster), getting interrupted, and repeat until the mob resets.

      Any work around or way to prevent this? Even if it attempts to fight immediately, that would look a lot better than trying to pursue a runaway mob.

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