I do not know if i can ask this problem here. But i cannot contact the creator who made Agil and Lisbeth. I can use Agil to repair with order bot and fate bot. However i tried it many times with Lisbeth and it did not work at all. Is it that somebody here meets the same problem,or somebody kind can contact the creator.
They have a discord channel but i cant speak to how often he is around or otherwise. I know im waiting on/looking for the paranoia plugin which theyre supposed to be putting out almost a year ago now and I cant get ahold of anyone via discord. heres the discord Discord also wondering if destiny works with exfatebot. shame they moved and got rid of the forums but it is what it is. No clue where to even post problems w/ rotations as I believe that sort of thing is frowned upon here. Not the best ran endeavor but the stuff that does work works very well.