Hi, Does anyone know a working Ah-Bot that is able to buy items below a certain price? Because my main is making gold by buying gems and cutting them to sell them on the ah. And often gems are very cheap in the morning where I am not at home. So i would like to use one of my mule accounts with the Ah-Bot to buy the gems. Bj?rn
as far as i know, Erenion and Bossland have created a plugin for it which they will sell once HB support's dll's and have paid plugins up and running mate but as of now there is none.
Ahh i knew there was someone else creating the same plugin lol sorry for not searching before posting shane will your plugin be free or will it cost? That's weird i dont know how i missed that on the notes lol i suppose that's now opened the door's for the paid plugin section to come into action xD
Well a HB plugin would be nice, but in the meantime if I want to bot for something in particular, I'd just use one of the AH scanning addons (it searches for items matching predefined rules and reports back to you asking if you want to buy it). I used to use Auctioneer Bottom Scanner when I did it but I think it has since been discontinued, I know there is other addons just like it though. For example, I use to set it to buy all items that were selling for less than vendor price and items who DE value exceeded their price by a certain %. It wasn't meant to be afk automated, but I did so by using an autoclicker program and hovering my mouse over where the dialog popped up asking me if I wanted to buy the item it found.
Sorry i got that wrong, Bossland created the re-logger that work's with Erenion's auction house plugin, i think one of them is a plugin and the other one is a standalone app. He also stated many month's back that all Lifetime Member's wont have to pay for paid plugin's so i dont know how he is going to get round that, Since most plugin developer's wont make $$ due to most of the community being Lifetime member's lol the only way he could get around it is going back on his word's.
Easy because bossland did not create the relogger or the eAH them are from Erenion and co. Boss ust promoted it... they are not his plugins. Plugins produced by bossland will be free but not from outside contributors.