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  • Altec's Rogue Routine

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by altec, Nov 24, 2012.

    1. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Greetings! Welcome to Altec's Rogue Custom Routine! I have a little of this and a little of that available for everyone! Let me get down and tell you what I have, instead of looking at me confused. I have three active specs for the rogue, Assassination, Combat, and Sublety. At this time, Assassination and Combat is my prime directive for fine tuning, due to that being my current raid group spec. Sublety, let me just that that is a side passion. All three specs are PvE, I believe Assassination's coding is just about done, but, I do find things to fine tune about it. Sublety, is in stable mode currently. I am currently updating my Combat Routine since my assassination part is just about perfect. I have all three spec's in one file, allowing you to update what spec you are in the GUI, instead of restarting HB to change spec's :)[SUB] (* NOTE: Even though there are failsafes to prevent HB from trying to use an ability you do not have due to wrong spec, HB still might crash when not using the active spec ingame and in HB)[/SUB]. Anywho, less of me talking and more of me showing you my amazing creation!!

      Assassination status: [BETA] [PERCENTAGE=80][/PERCENTAGE]
      Combat Status [BETA]: [PERCENTAGE=95][/PERCENTAGE]
      Sublety Status: [BETA*] [PERCENTAGE=75][/PERCENTAGE]

      Upcomming changes:
      • Overhauling this Combat Routine.
      • Combat Spec is 95% complete, only minor bugs and tweaks to fine-tune as the days go by. All GUI elements for Combat Spec are operational, including movement, face target, AoE, Stealthing, Racials, and Combat-only Spec spells.
      • [SUB]Sometimes energy caps on AR / KS[/SUB]
      • Assassination Spec is 80% complete, a few tweaks and it will be on-par with combat.
      • Sublety Spec is 75% complete, running smoothly so far, but I do not have movement coded in to maintain being behind the target, recommend movement turned off for this spec.

      General Settings
      • Apply Lethal Poison and Non-lethal Poison and refresh's at 10min(Default, changable) till expire. (You choose your poisons and timers in the GUI)
      • Stealth before pull.
      • Stealth after combat. (GUI setting and can be turned off / on)
      • Cast Tricks on the tank on the start of the pull, your focus target during combat (if you have one and it is not dead), or just the tank if you have no focus target, if in party or raid. (Should I add an option in the GUI to turn this on or off?)
      • Will Kick if target is casting and you can interrupt it. (Can be turned on / off in GUI)
      • Makes sure you are auto-attacking your target.
      • User setting to use Advance Shiv method, depending on what non-lethal poison you have active. (If Leeching Poison is active, it will rely on Recuperate's user setting of what HP to use the spell at)
      • User setting to use Recuperate for self-heal if you are below X% HP. (Default is 90%, changeable in the GUI)
      • Will keep Slice and Dice active 95% of the time in combat. (Sub's energy regen mechanic and autoattack buff)
      • Will use most rogue CD's on bosses if in party or raid, usually. [Currently only raid / world bosses with the skull(??) icon / GUI option to always use CD's] (Shadow Blades, Expose Armor, Vanish, Shadow Dance, Vendetta, Killing Spree, Adrenaline Rush, racials, some engineer items, and usable trinkets)
      • Will pickpocket humanoid mobs have have pockets. (recommend pick pocket glyph, sometimes works, need to tweak the code)
      • Will consume CP after combat to put up SnD or Recup. (Still tweaking this code)
      • Will consume food at 65% HP after combat, will stealth rest if no food is in bags. (Will only do this if not in a raid or party)

      Assassination Information:
      • Will Envenom to refresh Slice and Dice buff, will also cast if you have 5 CP's and Rupture is active, but will not cast if you have an envenom buff active
      • Will use Mutilate as opener from Stealth or Vanish.
      • Will apply Rupture debuff if Rupture is not active or if it is about to expire. (your energy regen mechanic)
      • Will Dispatch if blindside is active, or target is below 35% HP
      • Mutilate if target is at or above 35% HP.

      Combat Information:
      • Will cast Revealing Strike before anything, and keep up 95% of the time.
      • Will Rupture at 5 CP*
      • Will Eviscerate at 5 CP and Rupture is active*
      • Will Blade Flurry if there are 2 or more targets in melee range.
      • Will use Killing spree, Shadow Blades, and Adrenaline rush, but not both together. (Can be turned on or off in GUI)
      • Will use Sinister Strike for CP's, if Revealing Strike is active.
      • [SUB]*Will sometimes Cap Energy during Adrenaline Rush and Killing Spree[/SUB]
      • [SUB]*Will not rupture if Blade Flurry is active[/SUB]

      Sublety Information:
      • Will Eviscerate if you have 5 CP's and and if either Garrote,Rupture, or Crimson Tempest buff's are active.
      • Will use Shadow Dance on CD.
      • In Shadow Dance: Will first use Garrote to get Garrote debuff (if Garrote debuff is not active) and Find Weakness debuff, then spam Ambush, will still Eviscerate if you have Garrote, Rupture, or Crimson Tempest active and if you hit 5 CP's.
      • Will apply Rupture debuff if not active or if it is about to expire.
      • Will apply Hemorrhage debuff is not active or if it is about to expire.
      • Backstab if possible for CP's
      • Hemorrhage if Backstab is NOT possible for CP's.

      Known Bugs so far:

      Need to do:
      • [*]Fix known bugs.
        [*]Add in survival.
        [*]Add in user defined settings, more.

      **Added the spoiler tag on stable version, since there is no stable atm but I did not want to remove the text/code for it in this post =)
      You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! *Should be installed in: Routines/AltecRogue/

      BETA SVN: AltecRogueBeta - Revision 42: /trunk/AltecRogueBeta/
      *Should be installed in: Routines/AltecRogueBeta/

      How to submit a bug:
      1. Tell me what version and what routine you are running (AltecRogue / AltecRogueBeta)
      2. Tell me what Bot Base you are on (Lazy Raider / Grind / Quest / Gather / exc)
      3. Tell me what you were doing at time of the error - most likely answered from #2 (incase of quest, what quest profile? / incase of grind, what grind profile? / exc)
      4. Finally, Upload a log so either me, or one of the other users of this CR, can help you troubleshoot the issue.

      Change Log:
      • Current: NONE - Overhauling
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
    2. Bochen

      Bochen New Member

      Apr 7, 2012
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      This is crap. Not working at all. Taking down 1 mob with that cc is taking like a 2 minute with a pvp geared rogue. Also no idea why but it has problems even with facing enemies. After hour of testing i've deleted it. sorry.
    3. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      I never said it is AFKable... I said it is full combat single target, nothing else. And yes, I have edited a bit on the CC on my computer. More of a combat only with user guiding the bot.
    4. MadDog

      MadDog Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2011
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      i feel sorry for you
    5. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Added 0.3, Sub + Sin. Fixed minor issues with Sub CC.
    6. Astyre

      Astyre Member

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Way to support new CC development! Especially considering that most of your complaints would have been answered had you read the first post.

      As for me I am excited for this Altec, and plan on testing it. Especially the new assassination. I'll let you know how it goes.
    7. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Thank you, I am currently in the process of adding in Add Logic, just have not had a chance to do it. That and fix Shadow Dance and Vanish to only work on bosses, that is actually already fixed in my version. Just want to get add logic in before I release the update.
    8. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, first major update so far, yay go me.

      Added feature to AoE, I know, yay, about time, but only using targets within 8 yards of player(Crimson Tempest is only 8 yards, FoK is 10, odd). Since these are PvE CC's, I used the rules provided by the famous EJ. Also, it tells if you are fighting a boss, elite, or rare (not sure, didn't actually find a rare to test this on) and uses the Rogue CD's only on them instead of trash (Vendetta / Shadow Dance, Shadow Blades, Expose Armor). Changed how assassin comes out of stealth, using Mutilate instead of Garrote. Confused? Read about on EJ. Casts ToTT on your current Target's Target, usually the tank, or other DPS, BUT I added in checks to make sure it does not go on the healer, unless he is DPSing for some reason(Geared tank?). Also added in a check to make sure you have a target if in combat.

      Debating on if I want to keep Shiv heal and Recup for solo (how I made it now) or keep it for any occasion (solo, party, raid). Not sure yet. Tweaked the interupt command, to do a /say that you used kick and it is on CD (Can remove if user doesn't want this, will work on a GUI for user options after I get everything smoothed out first).


      Now, I need some feedback from the users. I know, testing stuff solo only goes so far, testing stuff from other people like you helps a ton more. You all get results I may not get. Thank you and have a fun day!

      LFSTYLES New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Fantastic to see the rogue CC gettin some love. Thanks Altec. I will test this out and let you know if I spot any hiccups.
    10. MrDeath

      MrDeath New Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Excited to test this! gonna try to find a rare to test, after testing on training dumby for dps. will report back with results/bugs today or tomorow.
    11. MrDeath

      MrDeath New Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Okay, so i noticed 1 flaw so far. As my guy is dpsing i get random lag spikes not huge ones just little ones. very few of them but still noticeable. Any way you could fix it? And also, it was prefoming decent dps. Averageing 29k-33k sat in between those most of the time. jumped as high as 40k. Note i am 462 ilvl rouge with 3 450 peices and 1 458 and 429 quest dagger(Everything else heroic or higher). So to me these numbers are impressive considering my dagger/gear. also note i use low settings with 100fps. sadly i couldnt find a rare, but if you would like me to test anything else i would be happy to! im working on gear also so dont worry :p
    12. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Yes, I have an update for it, just trying to iron out some bugs before uploading it, I am really excited about this. Will probably upload tomorrow if all goes to plan.
    13. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, a quick post, did this with my guild today in a raid, our first run as a guild mind you, and I pulled top dps by 2-3k all night with barely heroics gear and some LFR gear. This is over dps of people in full LFR gear, so props to that. I will attach my current version on my CC's as I normally do. I made some changes, some good some bad. Made self-heal for anytime you are below 90% HP. Helps healers out in the raids as well as hostile pvpers of the opposite faction look at you less during questing, as you have almost 100% hp you are not a viable target for their gank, that is if they are solo. Still working on movement, but I do not use movement so that is not priority. I would like to add in an option to disarm if able, but that is on the side-bar as well. Fixed vanish on pull when in stealth, so no more wasting an awesome dps boost there. Trinkets and gloves that have an on-use ability are also used by this CC, as well as goblin rocket barrage. Cast's Tricks of the Trade on focus now, not just your target's target, for both Heroics and Raid damage buff's. Fixed minor HB lag using this CC, well at least I have noticed no lag using them at all. Made a visual appeal as well so you know the bot's exact rotation and style. I have not updated the Sub CC yet, this is all in assassination's CC.

      Check it out (0.5) and tell me what you think.
    14. Grim32

      Grim32 Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      Sounds promising!

      Quick question, I haven't touched a rogue from level 80, how can I expect this to do whilst going from 80-90? Or is it ill advised until 90?

    15. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Should work almost flawlessly, since you got your important survivals at around level 35. Be warned though, I have not uploaded the version that moves to the target yet. Not sure how well it will go afk leveling. I might get that up tomorrow night after work.
    16. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ok, try this file (Will be posting it on the first post), It "should" provide movement - just make sure you have the glyph of stealth active - helps keep you moving faster, kinda.
    17. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hey mate, gave this a try as assas spec using lazyraider, she only seems to auto attack and buff poisons, the log sometime's says it's using Shiv, and slice and dice, but it can not actually use these as it has no combo points. Oh and it uses Fan of knives in AOE, but that's all, Log attached your part is up top, switched to singlular half way through log.

      Attached Files:

    18. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Hey, just checked the log you posted. All I can tell is you are using LazyRaider and singular. I cannot locate where it loads my CR and tries to run. Maybe that is in a different log.txt? Nonetheless, I have never tested in LazyRaider mode, only grind, combat, and questing bot modes. Also, what version are you using?
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
    19. xsilverdicex

      xsilverdicex New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      hey sorry it was all my fault, did not notice the Two separate Custom class's in the select CC window, i loaded the Sub one for assas spec
    20. altec

      altec Community Developer

      Jun 11, 2011
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      Ahh, is the proper one working now, for you?

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