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  • Alterac Valley Path suggestion

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by jprd105, Mar 11, 2011.

    1. jprd105

      jprd105 New Member

      Jan 27, 2011
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      It would be nice if the path would try and run to the base of the opposing faction. Right now it just runs around in the middle somewhere and dosnt do anything. I think it would be really nice if it just tried to run there consistantly until it actually made it. It would give the most honor because your going to be around your raid, you would also be able to help out. The only downside is that if you somehow are faster then everyone else u look a bit noobish and the other fraction kills you real quick. then your rez up and start running again. These are just my thoughts, i think it would make it a lot more productive of a path.

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