Hi guys i just created my own Ancient Guo-Lai Cache farm profile. Try it out if you like screen shot added with plugins i use and K/H ! First of all this is horde only !! Vendor and repair works also mailbox (not sure if mailing work proper now i saw some issues earlier in some posts) 1: Set bot to grindbot 2: Load profile 3: Set plugins (if you get Rarekiller 2 + Repcollector +addon arkautolootbop from curse.com then it will also loot Dirt pile while flying) maybe u need a modified file for rarekiller2 check it out i would say !! * THESE TWO PLUGINS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO RUN IT but more profit if you want rep with all those guys ! 4: Hit Start (should work from Shrine of the Two Moons) Sit back and enjoy the ride ! Edit: This profile farms in Vale of the eternal blossoms (the five sisters+Ruins of Guo-lay) (kills Mogu-tien and ashweb weaver) Update : Added blackspots to avoid the rare mob 'Kang The Soul Thief' sometimes when there is a Dirt pile it would agro that mob ! ( use this if u use Rarekiller2 & repcollector to not get raped ^^ ) Ps. sorry picture is crap