Hello i am using prolife in attachment and i have unchecked "Ignore Checkpoints" i am a lvl 43 warlock and im in eastern Palguelands but it will always goto taxi and go staright to elwyn no matter what i do please help i have attached all logs in the folder for the main toon that does it but i does it on all once it get to Eastern Plaguelands.
Hi, Djriper66, and thanks for the log. From the logs, your level 43 Human only knows Apprentice Riding skill (slow ground mounts). The profile is sending the toon to Stormwind to learn Journeyman Riding (fast ground mounts) skill. There appears to be no bug here. Please just let the profile run. cheers, chinajade
Thank you very much fixed the issue had to manually buy it but after that worked fine thank you again