this bot is bad, I can't compare it with others because I haven't tried and I won't try them, I thrust buddy products because his large experience with warden I know they are the safest, but no matter wich deck from the guides forum I try, it plays stupid things, like using "mortal coil" on my own "scarlet crusader", having a minion with enough damage to kill the player... and it attaks a minion, and the opposite case, using a wolfrider (3/1) on the face instead of killing a Houndmaster (4/3) it's very frustrating watching this bot. I guess it's because it's beta, and it's hard to develop an AI that match every situation, but I would like to try it with the best working deck, a warlock with all charge? maybe a warlock with lot of rush without spells for killing or dying fast and not having those embarasing situations?
i think you need to update your bot if it uses a mortal coil on your own scarlet crusader. but i have 75% win rate with my hunter deck. this bot is not made for ranking up (atleast not in its current state) play casual and you should be fine with almost any deck. I even have 60% win rate when im playing druid and putting in every legendary i have. So far i have noticed that i have no doubt highest win rate with hunter decks. Here is a warlock deck that will give you around 60% win rate or even more if you have some legendaries in that deck. (dont use legendaries like thalnos, leeroy etc they are shitty.) imgur: the simple image sharer
bought it and downloaded it yesterday, version can you share your best hunter deck please? that warlock deck is only 26 cards
just updated to .38, tried a zoo deck, it skipped turn without attaking with 3 minions, he could have killed a taunt No target for Harvest Golem No target for Scarlet Crusader No target for Shattered Sun Cleric Attacking Healing Totem with Harvest Golem Attacking Thrall with Shattered Sun Cleric No target for Harvest Golem No target for Shattered Sun Cleric No target for Scarlet Crusader Ending turn.
burrowed a friends hearthbuddy key. not liking paladin layout. there needs to be a settings to detect enemy health and enemy minion health and if enemy minion health is 6+ or there are multiple minions, censure/consencrate combo. also noticed truesilver champion will try and attack enemy player if opponent has enemy with taunt up.
I play a Hunter Deck its pretty good ..i got arround 70/80% winning rate. just go for basic hunter and expand it with Rare and legends cards.
Try this. You will get about 50% wins after you reach level 20 (ranked). View attachment 126686 View attachment 126687
If you could use an other website to host your pics since thebuddyforum's attachement feature is fucked up... 'cos we can't see what you posted. Thanks in advance.
ye the bot is bugged i always update the bots that i use to the latest and sometimes when you trow a minion on the field sometimes with the end turn it gets stuck to and nothing happns so mostly i play the game manually i like to play hs my self as paladin im verry good the bot makes mistakes that i would never do when im playing my pally deck