Don't use GB1 anymore, but there used to be a crafting button in it. You put your macro for mill/prospect on bar 2 (can't remember button #), and start it, come back in 20 mins and done. I used it for prospecting, thought I saw macro's for milling as well.
simple search on forums yielded... EDIT: looking for my old script to upload. Found it. download and install autoit, open up the scite editor and paste Code: $win_title = "World of Warcraft" WinActivate($win_title, "") WinSetOnTop($win_title, "", 0) Sleep(1000) HotKeySet("{F1}", "EndScript") $i = 0 $win_title = "World of Warcraft" While $i <= 10 ControlSend ( "World of Warcraft", "", "", "=") Sleep(2300) WEnd Func EndScript() $exit = MsgBox(4, "Ender", "Exit the Bot?") If $exit = 6 Then Exit EndIf EndFunc place your mill macro on "=" on your actionbar