I am looking for a chat service to use on my algo-trading website. It needs to have option for adding youtube videos and posting charts and also I want to be able to edit design a bit. I came across Rumbletalk and Envolv but I am still finding more options. Which one you recommend?
Well, if someone is interested in a chat room for his trading website like me than I became and expert in this field. Here are my experience with finding the best one for my algo-trading website. Because I did quite a lot of research in last days and weeks. 1 - First I needed a chat that can be seen in mobile (all versions) so I narrowed down the search for html5 chat room that look good on both mobile and pc. 2 - I needed a custom design, I needed my background to be black or transparent. This was very hard to find. 3 - I do not like to install the chat in my server as this is high cpu and resource consumer. So I need a chat service. 4 - Lastly, I needed the ability to add youtube videos and upload charts and technical analysis. I have checked several chats and only 2 met my needs, RumbleTalk and Envolv. I choose RumbleTalk finally as it can be integrated into my page and not only as toolbar and it allows me to attach files. Since I could not find answers in this forum, than I hope this overview will help someone