I'm a 50 paladin trying to level my 8 marauder class atleast to 30 any profiles that will let me do this any suggestions please help?
Levels 1-12: Horizon’s Edge (Located in Western Thanalan) Levels 13-20: Aleport (Located in Western La Noscea) Levels 21-30: Quarrymill (Located in the Silent Arbor area of South Shroud) Levels 28-34: Wineport (Located in the Raincatcher Gully area of Eastern La Noscea) Levels 30-38: Dragonhead (Located in the Central Highlands area of Coerthas) Levels 38-42: Camp Revenant’s Toll (Located in the Fogfens area of Mor Dhona) Levels 42-50: Ceruleum Processing Plant (Located in the Bluefog area of Northern Thanalan) I run the fate bot, these are the areas I have found to be the best for it as they have the highest respawn rates for the levels provided.
Depends on the server too. On the smaller ones Northern thanalan and Mor Dhona outside of RevToll are ghost towns, and its better to just stick in Dragonhead. But agreed with lazer that fatebot is the way to go rather than using grind profiles.