Hey everyone, i was wondering if there is a way to reverse to an older (aka. the currently working one) patch? Maybe if i have a guy thats currently on the "working" patch? Since I was dumb and had auto patch enabled I'm sorry if that was asked already.
You can turn off automatic updating. See image: http://azyul.com/l/19-42-47.jpg But this will make your BattleNet button say "Update" instead of "Play" To get around this, you just launch WoW with the executable in your WoW folder. If you make a shortcut of the WoW.exe, you can add -noautolaunch64bit to the shortcut target make it not launch the 64bit client.
That not what i meant, i was asking if there is any way to undo the update ( replace some files with files from the correct version) or smth like that. Since, as I said, i already updated.
Yes I know, the reply was mostly towards the people saying that the game will auto-update if you close it. There is no way to downgrade. Your only option would be to have someone send you a .zip of the game which contains the previous patch. I have one I can send, but it would probably take forever to upload. By that time there will be an updated HB xD
Alright, well, thats what i thought, but are there any specific files that got patched? since its only a small update and it prob didnt patch every single file of the game.
as its seems only very small files are affected by the patch, only need someone wanting to upload the old files
Only if it is a major patch where the actual patch number changes (7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.3.1) - etc. Hotfix patches where only the build number changes are optional.
It wont let you to log in now if your shit is not updated. You can keep playing and botting if you didn't logout from yesterday, but as soon as you disconnect - all realms will be incompatible. Statement above about major patches is bullshit.
This is after closing all WoWs and restarting my computer. Just because your results are different from mine doesn't mean my claim is "bullshit" There are tons of people in the Discord server who also have the same results as me as almost everybody there is still botting because they didn't update. You're the first I've seen all day to say the realms show up as incompatible. Your configuration files are obviously setup different than most people.
same as me. I shut my bots off 10 hours ago, went to work all day an just loaded all bots back up, no problemo