Hi, what do you mean by "Cave" leveling profile ? Some grinding in a special cave ? There is a Frostfire Ridge Questing profile on Kicks SVN / Free on Buddy Store
Yeah, exactly. some people have leveled from 90-100 in 2-3 hours there. Its a grinding area, where you just kill some mobs that has low hp
Not sure to be honest. Sometimes it takes ages for blizzard to fix something. Wanted to test it out to see if it was fixed or not.
I found this cave on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0xHGJg_vlI claims to level 92-98 in 1.5 hours in heirlooms back in 6.1 from the recent comments :" It has been slightly nerfed so after 95-96 won't be more efficient than questing". remember that normal leveling up to the outposts quest lines of each zone (that rewards the books) gives you thousands of gold and a lot of garrison resources to start. So I am not sure if it is worth it just to save some hours.
True. And I guess I can just get the EXP potions and do the bonuses and get to 90-100 in 2 hours anyways manually.
I believe they nerfed this during "Love is in the Air" 2016, and now the small creatures no longer give any XP or credit as a "honorable" kill.