Anyone managed to get this type of answer overturned and get their account back? I got banned for economy abuse before and managed to overturn it, but now I get this instead
Open a new ticket from another computer on another location (at your friends house or whatever) and claim that your account has been hacked. Worth a try.
you could go into the ram scanning things and how its not legal blabla , seen from some people these kinda letters to them getting the ban overturned. worth a shot, i think.
Claim they scanned your computer illegally in places they should not be scanning. That is a legal issue and they might be threatened and just give you your account to stop you from sueing them like what happened a while back. Your man, Aroxan.
Got 2 Accounts back. 2 are still perma banned =( Just say you played, you dc'ed and you got banned and you don't know why. 50/50 chance to get your accounts back
Lol don't say anything about them scanning your PC otherwise they instantly know you had something to hide ^^ I got this sort of reply before and opened another ticket playing just as dumb as I did in the first one and I got it back after complaining and whining after another 2-3 emails. Alpha
I got that response, in the US form, but it was for a 72 hour ban so I didn't fight it. Being a botter since 2007, I have been banned twice in life, never permanent with HB, only Chinese bots. I can tell you from experience, I pleaded guilty over the phone and was lifted a perma ban for being honest. That won't always work. I know that sounds crazy, its also worked with trying to get an account back that I purchased and was not in my name. Now, I tried this in 2009 when I got banned on a fresh account and it didn't work, it depends on the GM, inspector and how serious of an offense. And threatening RAM scanning, etc, won't get you anywhere because unless you want to take a corporation to court over a video game account they won't care. Bot tactically. id say 6 years of botting with 2 permanent bans and 1 72-hour ban is good, just be careful with what you do. Make a gold farming account separate and store all gold in a bank where you can access it, they won't go into that much detail.