Hello all here is an apexis crystal farm in tanaan jungle. tested with a 660 ilev boomkin in 1 hour i got 2 baleful peices a bagful of greens and trash. No i will not update for your needs its a simple profile i put together to gear up. also I ran yesterday and got 2 empowered apexis crystals. Enjoy. My cph were 624
edited the profile This profile only works for alliance since it go to Loins' Watch for repair can you make it work for horde camp also ? Thanks.
Here's a Horde version I made for your request. Vendor only, no mailbox but I can setup if need be. Hope you enjoy! Please let me know how it works!
sorry didnt mean to be rude in orginal post. I dont have a horde char. I hope everyone is enjoying it as much as I did!!
Hey just wondering, how are you getting empowered crystal frags from this script? Im getting crystal frags and baleful tokens, do the trash mobs have a chance to drop crystal frags?
Yes i ran for 10 hours and got 3 with 4 bag fulls of baleful. so far tested on warrior druid hunter. warlock can do it it 630ilev gear but kind of hard.
Went 8hours last night, didnt get any empowered apexis frags. Any chance the bots selling them or something? or am i just unlucky.
Excellent baleful farming. Running omen's horde version, getting a few dozen baleful pieces in 1-4 hours. Baleful items sell for less than other blues/epics so you should probably disenchant them and sell the mats instead.
up to 8.4k apexis crystals, still no empowered apexis fragment :c From wowhead, only rare mobs drop empowered apexis fragment. For me this only kills trash mobs outside Hellfire Citadel.
Awesome profile, as BM hunter set multipull to 7, noticed I pulled 13mobs at once. 15hours+ farmed and no fragment but im farming it for ideal stats and then I buy one so idc
Just wanted to clear up that the Empowered Apexis Fragments only drop from rare's and elites, if you're receiving any of those upgrade tokens it's because the bot randomly encounters a daily rare or an elite which it kills and you just get lucky considering it's drop rate is about 0,1% but hey that's RNG for you right there.
I know its not the best profile for apexis, But I believe it is better than farming in the apexis raid group. Plus on average you get 4-9 baleful/hour. Tested it on rogue mage hunter priest dk druid pally and warrior. All chars 630 gear. Rogue died alot fyi hence the 4/hour
Profile still working very well - left it overnight on my 630 Hunter and woke up with a few dozen tokens! Waiting until 6.2.3 to open them as there will be some changes to the way baleful items work and the tokens will be more useful then.