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  • [App] Salesman auction settings importer

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by nuclear898, Apr 21, 2013.

    1. nuclear898

      nuclear898 New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Hey everyone,

      I made a program that lets you load an XML from The Undermine Journal (because they have pretty much every item postable on the AH in there), set up some auction settings for Salesman, select for which names it should search, and it can then save all the items with that name in it and the set-up auction settings to a .sal file that is importable by Salesman!

      Why is this useful you ask? Well, for example if you are a glyph or gem vendor, it's really a huge pain to add every gem or glyph indivudually and set the auction settings for them, this tool let's you do all of them at once!

      A short demonstration for gems:

      The Main Window:
      Main Window.png

      Click Browse For XML and navigate to your XML from the Undermine Journal.
      Here's mine if you need it: (The prices etc. in it don't matter, it's only used for item names and IDs):
      (sorry for using Mega but it was too large to add as attachment...)

      Next setup your auction settings.

      I choose a minimum price of 25g, which is 25,00,00 , which is 250000, a Maximum price of 300g, which is 3000000, auction time at 12 hours, maximum 4 stacks and 1 item per stack.
      Next in the search box I enter "Glyph of", this will make it search for every item whose name contains "Glyph of"
      !NOTE! There seems to be an issue with some items that have the wrong item ID in the undermine journal's XML. If this is the case, honorbuddy will throw an error while importing. The error msg will show a line number, just open the .sal file with notepad++ or a similar editor and fix that item manually. So far I've found "Glyph of Gateway Attunement" and "Nimble Wild Jade" to throw an error.

      Next after you completed the settings you hit Run and Save, you browse to a location where you want to save the file and save it.
      Next you open up the Salesman bot config, click "Manage Auction Items", click "Import", browse to the .sal file we generated and double click it!

      I've also included the source for people that are skeptical about viruses..

      Program + source download:
      View attachment Salesman Import.zip

      That's all :)

      There seems to be an issue with some items that have the wrong item ID in the undermine journal's XML. If this is the case, honorbuddy will throw an error while importing. The error msg will show a line number, just open the .sal file with notepad++ or a similar editor and fix that line manually, or delete it and add it with Salesman after importing the rest.
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
      worklifebalance and Phelon like this.
    2. Lipie

      Lipie Member

      Nov 18, 2010
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      holy shit, +rep !
    3. krkonja

      krkonja New Member

      Oct 27, 2012
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      The file you are trying to download is no longer available.

      Can you please upload it again somewhere .
    4. lunasolstice

      lunasolstice New Member

      Mar 29, 2013
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      Does this app still work?

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