If you were flagged for botting, then there is no hope. You can only attempt to get out of it if it was a player report for "abuse of economy". Automation was caught and there is no sympathy with the customer support team.
From what I've read on other forums on other websites, it's useless to appeal. It would seem that Blizzard can detect HB since Blizz now runs regular banwaves every 6 months. To appeal a detection, IMO, would be like telling the court you didn't commit a crime after every juror just witnessed you doing it. Of course, there's always the possibility that this banwave isn't actually a detection, and that Blizzard just happens to issue massive banwaves every 6 months based on player reports.
100% a detection, not reports. Anyway, what if you ADMIT GUILT and express your sorriness and the court gives you lesser punishment for that? haha
It's unfortunate that I already have paid for his service....it seemed to have good reviews and what not on forums I browsed
If you ever switched the IP you used you may have a small chance at an "account recovery". State that you haven't accessed your account ever since the approximate date when you switched and you believe your account may have been compromised. Tell them you got an email asking for your account information from blizzard at one point. Just don't do it right away, wait a few weeks. Calling will likely yield better results.
The way I got my account back which was temporarily banned for a few times before getting permanently banned is: 1) I teethered internet from my mobile phone to my tablet (or just get a computer at work etc) so I'd get a different machine/ip and internet provider. 2) Changed email adress on the battlenet account using the tablet. 3) Installed WoW on my tablet (which was a Windows 10 tablet), did a bunch of failed log ins in game (because of ban). 4) Took a break for a week or so. 5) Went nuts trying to log in the game with my old password on my old machine. 5) Contacted Blizzard that I haven't been able to log to the game in a few days since I was away, suddenly my account got different email adress and is perma banned. Told them I probably got hacked. Got it all reset and unbanned. God damn, I love that tablet.
Im going to try and get the suspension down to a few days. If not I will definitely be done. No point trying to keep playing in 6 months. Sucks, I was just doing dailies with it maybe an hour a day if that... brutal.
I appealed aswell, waiting for their answer will update. I have been on a Russian VPN a few times, so might help me.
If you appeal, chances are you wont get it back. It's worth doing, as it only takes a few minutes, but don't get your hopes up. Firstly, software detection bans are incredibly difficult to remove. They have firm evidence that you were running the bot at least once. A VPN to claim you were hacked wont help. They have IP logs and a whole host of other logs which suggest you were not hacked. They have a good lock out system if they detect unusual activity anyways. Secondly, it's 'only' a temporary 6 months ban. They will suggest you to wait it out and it will be very unlikely for them to reduce it in the case of software detection.
I agree, the chances are slim. A 6-month ban is so long, what happened with the 48hours for the first suspension? They have outsmart HB and bots overall. Regret that i botted 1 hour on my main. But still waiting on an answer, but i know they will say the same thing as you wrote above.
Well I have been doing some thinking around this part. Here: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20043676375?page=3#post-52 is where the blue "Lore" has explained the rational behind a 6 month ban. But what he doesn't get is that "Jim" will miss out on a lot of content over that time. Which then raises the question of do I bother continuing with WoW or does "Jim" decide "fk it" and make a new account which he is then even more likely to bot with to catch up to his main account. So I think it might be possible, at least for some, to maybe use the idea of sure hit with a penalty but not one that will push towards a new account and continue botting. I mean what you actually do botting wise is irrelevant but you could at least pretend. I mean anybody with a 18 month suspension is not going to wait that out. That's a year and a half gone along with basically all of legion at that point.