I'm currently looking for a archaeology guide either dugi's or a other guide that tells information about everything any one with suggestions or so? of has exp in lvling it up?
There's not really much of a guide.. I say gather fragments from 1 - 75 without solving any artifacts and after 75 start solving artifacts use tablets as much as possible don't save them.. use them to save some of your fragments so won't have to gather 12 fragments all
When you pick up Archaeology you open the map and you will see shovels around, that indicates digsites, and if you open one of the zone maps with shovel you will see a red circle/oval shape on the map, that's where you survey
I recommend this addon SAL - Addons - Curse i tried archy but didn't really like it.. But Sal has helped me a lot with archaeoloy [video=youtube;JsuZJrVlLf0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsuZJrVlLf0&feature=player_embedded[/video]
I hate archaeology... i have full skill, farm for about 40 hours, lost track of how many i have solved for night elf and still no trinket...