My Archbuddy is set to default (train up to 375) However, after reaching 225, it just went on to farm without training. That's problem 1# Problem 2# is that when I clicked force train it got stuck in the air, flying back and forth. This was in Eastern plaguelands, I got the same problem last night in Feralas (saw that someone had already reported this location), but that was not during a "return to trainer" moment. The error that I saw in the log both times is "Next point is out of continent bounds. We are at right side of the continent. Moving to left" attaching the log from when it got stuck in epl, it is a zip since the log was 1,7mb
The problem is not a digsite, just two specific locations that are giving me trouble, if I move the bot a few meters it will fix the problem. Clarification, it's not stuck at a digsite, it got stuck while moving to a digsite(feralas) and stuck while moving to the trainer (epl)
yeah i understood whats the problem,if your AB stucks on the way for a digsite you must blacklist that digsite
so you skill arch at Kingdoms or Kalimdor? i got the Problem that HB just skill alliance at Kingdoms and horde at Kalimdor. If you move to BC or WOTLK the toon dont go to train and gets stuck flying forth and back.
have you an english client? I had probs with training new skills with my german client till I changed to an english