G'day, Im a new user to this system as of today ive got my Archaeology Bot set up and going as its running now Problem: My char is flying around and searching for fragments as it should but as soon as it gets aggroed it stop and stands there. Ive read that, from what i could find out. That i might need a CC, so i went to my HB interface and clicked on CC and it wont "activate"/open up. I dont know if this is the solution. I just want my character to attack whats attacking me when im trying to do Archaeology rather then just stand there. OK about my Rare Elite question. -Is there a Rare Elite profile out there, that i can connect with archaeology so when searching for archaeology and if by any luck I come across a camel figurine in Uldum it will ignore Archaeology and and go down and get my Rare? -While here i thought ill ask if anyone can give me a link/"profile link" To Steamwhedle cartel Rep grinding and a questing profile. Ty
Hi Regarding getting a custom class sorted out, click here and choose your class. You will find many different CC's available, some have movement coded in (great for Archaeology, Gatherbuddy etc), some are just for use with Combat Bot (where you, the player, provide the movement decisions). Your choice of CC should be related to what spec you are. For instance, the standard 'Singular' CC does not support assassinsation spec Rogues, so you'd either want to get a CC that does support that spec (e.g. FPSWare Rogue) or just change your spec to Combat (which is supported by Singular.) Once you choose & download your CC, put it in the 'CustomClasses' folder of your Honorbuddy installation - you should now restart HB & when you begin again, you should see the new CC as an option when you click start. Regarding rare elites, click here for Katzerle's Plugin, which is super effective same deal as with CC's really, just download it & put it in your 'Pugins' folder of your HB installation. There are lots of configuration options for this plugin, which can be accessed by checking the 'Enhanced Mode' box on your HB window, clicking 'Plugins' on your HB window, selecting Rare Mob Killer and press setiings. You'll need a Gatherbuddy profile to farm the Uldum mount, which can be found in the 2nd post of that Rarekiller thread - put it in 'Default Profiles' folder. Hope that helps! All linked resources are not my work, credit to the authors & contributors - give 'em rep if it works for you as well as it did me Good luck
Thank you very much soulbound much <3 thanks again mate. Might have troubles soo might be chance ill be back here in the next day or hour ty again
No worries, Buddy community rocks. I'll check back later, but tbh there are many people here who have forgotten more about botting than I'll ever know So I'm sure you'll get some assistance one way or another.
next time that you will have problems post your log as attachment your log can show us the problem http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...-how-attach-your-hb-log-file-[-pictures].html
Ok i would send u a log, i will. After, but for now my recent log the only one ive attempted to do what im doing hasnt created yet for some reason. When its created ill attach it. Ok ive got Arch buddy and Rare working same time, hopefully ill check it out later ive got a feeling they'll work. (mainly want them two together is for camel in uldum) Now ive got that sorted im trying to use profile changer this is my steps of action. 1. Open honorbuddy 2. Click on my down arrow and select Gatherbuddy2 3. ticked profile changer set all the settings on it then save 4. close plugins and click START. Outcome: character flys towards a tin vein node (imguesing to mine it) -.-I stop the program. What i wanted to happen was, as set in my profile changer settings. Is hearth home ORG use portal to deepholm search for rares then so on so on.