Useing singular, and this is so of a huge difference that I need to post: disc prist 11 wins, 2 loss druid resto, 28 loss, 4 wins. Playing retri paladin as manual. Tips: look into restro druid
might be since roots/cyclone/power shifting are such an important part of druid arena. Just a guess, but awesome to hear. What MMR?
lol 2v2 with a healer + ret? must be LONG games, jesus no healing debuff or anything.. you must be low rating too. I cant imagine a bot being able to LOS and predict a lot of the things people do at 2500+ but who knows.. I'd get a rogue then use a disc, at least you have wound poison, or a warrior+druid.. hell go for 3v3, get passive classes like spriest/ua lock/rshaman and just roll dots all day long, or double ua lock healer rofl