im using [h=3][Frost DK PvP] Hour of Frost by grumple[/h] it works perfect in arena for fighting against my opposite faction.. but when i face the same faction it wont attack.. ive googled and searched in forum maybe im not doing it right but how do i fix this? its really frustrating. thanks for any help.
Have you asked the cr developer? You can post a log for him on his thread. It's probably from a check or filter that he put in for bg's and let it slipped through into arenas...
He might be using singular's awesome unit.ToPlayer().IsHorde != me.IsHorde since .isfriendly isn't good for players. Does .IsInMyParty work for raid/instance members?
I have this problem also in arena using Singular Monk for windwalker and it is stinks. Is there an easy way for someone with not much coding practice to change it so I can use it in arenas better?
use a cr main for pvp...
Yooooooooo can you hit me up on skype so we can sort this out! Saabotage13 also PM me in future would be cool as i can get things sorted faster BotSafe Grumple