As the title says I can't log in Honorbuddy, I already excluded it from my firewall and did DNS flush and many other things that were suggested in forums but when I try it simply says "Authentication Failed". How can I solve this ?
are you sure the key your trying to use is the same one listed on the buddyauth website? are you sure theres no spaces before or after your key? if your sure, try flushing your dns Flush DNS - What's My DNS? reset your host file back to default. How to Reset Hosts File to Default in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8? - Tweaking with Vishal and try power cycling your home router.
Did everything you said and doesn't work. About the host reset I did it in a different way because ( I don't know why ) It'll not let me save the hosts file as it says that I don't have permissions ( even if i'm administrator ) so I used Fixit tool.