Hey guys the last time i saw this addon was Pre-TBC. I cant remember its name but im wondering what happened to it or if it still exists. Basicaly what you would do is put ur char in IF or something and if anyone /w you with the word "portal" you would reply "5g portal fee" or something, then they would trade you and you would auto-accept it and invite them to a party and make them a portal. This was one of the best addons ever and I miss it so much, can anyone give me more info on it? I dont want any people writing on this thread "THATS IRREGALLLL !" I just want some info.
Addon can answer whispers, invite to party. but i am pretty sure addon cannot use spells without player's interaction anymore. Unless you want to rewrite it as plugin
Not impossible, but rather difficult to write a plugin that interprets a whisper and determines a location from it.
It already exists, what happens is someone /w and if the addon see's the word portal it responds "5G portal fee, where would you like to go?" then they respond and if anywhere in that text has a matching portal location for example "Stormwind" it will choose that portal and wait for them to trade and invite. It also used to advertise in /2 "{Charname}'s Portal service at Stormwind fountain, trade me 5G and tell me where you want to go" I miss this addon SO MUCH ! I guess the only way to do it now would be to have a plugin with honorbuddy.
there are addons that will auto-invite ppl on /say, but addons that use things or cast spells are not allowed by blizzard (back in classic it could. ie: innerfire buff)