Glad to see this finally done. It never made sense to set up AutoEquip2 with a 2H when you're a Druid for example or Talented when you're on a fresh character although neither took more than seconds to set up. Do the plugins still need to be in the plugin folder or can they be deleted since they're integrated?
there is a BIG problem with it, They not put, replace herilooms options.. so i found my 88 character equiped with lvl 80 heirloom.....
I'd prefer it if I had just the ability to have my character roll for items but not actually replace anything, having to turn off the AutEquip feature because it keeps equipping tank gear on my DD spec is pretty frustrating, but then, obviously, my character will not roll for loot in dungeons, frustrating my other party members.
Was wondering why my Mist Piercing goggles were unequipped If you want to remove it click on settings (when bot is stopped), and take the tick off "auto equip items"
Heirlooms are not treated differently from other items. If AE equips them, it's because they score better than what you had equipped. Also, no settings are required - the new AutoEquip will automatically replace heirlooms once they stop working (ie. at level 85 or 80), if we get an item that is better. If you want me to look at why the heirlooms were equipped, download the newest beta here (click me), unequip your heirlooms, then run the bot. After it has equipped your heirlooms, upload the 'AutoEquip' log that can be found in the regular log folder. This log file is only generated when running beta versions, so that is why you need to download the beta version. AE can be disabled under 'Character Manager' settings under the normal settings. Simply uncheck "Auto Equip". To clarify; loot rolling still works when Auto Equip is disabled. It will just only roll greed or disenchant. The logic is that our party members will be angry if we don't equip the items we roll need on, and the only way we can guarantee that is with the AutoEquip option enabled.
Hey Bossland... to change Options on the Character Manager you have to open the Global Settings Menu from HB... Normally i take changes while HB is running (may Dungeonbuddy, Quest etc.) but this menu is not Avalible if HB is runing... Is there any other way? Sry for bad english... crr on work and not many time
How can I get the option to NOT!!! disenchant greens but only blues and above? losing quite alot of money on this atm. Regards, Homerrox
Known issue, we will have a fix out soon. For now you will have to disable AE. Not possible currently, unfortunately. You can not exclude greens from being disenchanted without also excluding blues and purples. If you have 'Disenchant Instead of Greeding' selected, Honorbuddy will roll disenchant on all BoP items, and disenchant on all BoE items up to and including the 'Max BoE Disenchant Quality' you have selected. What class and spec? For frost DK's, brewmaster monks and windwalker monks, AE will use what you have equipped currently - so if you want it to use 2H, equip a 2H. If you want it to dual wield, equip 2 one-handers.
The 'not being able to disenchant exactly what we want' is an unfortunate downgrade on previous functionality. It did require a few more options to be set, but gave the user perfect control over the disenchant mechanics. <Shameless self-promotion> With AE being rolled into the core, it is no longer possible for users to implement such ideas. Is it possible to disable the core functionality and still use an old version of AE as a plugin?