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  • Avoid perm ban via 'V . P . N . tunnel'?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by alzatar, Mar 28, 2014.

    1. alzatar

      alzatar New Member

      May 15, 2013
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      Here is a thought. I do not know if this has been discussed before but I would like to throw it out there to the buddy community for opinions.

      I was recently banned (I managed to get it reduced to a 72 hour suspension) and support told me that they had identified bot use from my IP address. Now if blizz has recognised that my character was being played at the time of botting identification from my personal computer that makes it rather obvious that it was me botting and trying to argue otherwise limits you to members of your household with access to your account only. So... With that in mind, what if you were to use a Virtual Private Network to use the I.P. address of another individual? For those who don't know, you basically pay someone a small fee to 'tunnel' out to their server and go login to wow/use the internet through that and it masks your I.P. address by giving you a temporary one from the providers end. I used to do this in my first year of university as the ports needed to login to WoW were closed by the university for 'security reasons' (this applied to xbox live and PS3 online too). So I know that it was relatively successful and allowed me to play all my games via someone else's network giving me a different I.P. etc.

      My thoughts are that if you were to get banned this way you would be better able to argue that your account had been hacked? Especially using a korean, etc. server? I may give this a go myself and report in if I get banned and the success rate of account recovery? If anyone else tries this I would really like to know how they get on. You need to google 'V . P . N . Tunnel' (I can't write them three letters next to each other for some reason :s) and you will find out all you need to know. It's simply a program that you connect to before login to any online service. Very simple to use.

      The community's thoughts would be really appreciated.


      Alzatar. :cool:

      NOTE: You are just as likely to get banned using this method of account connection and login and you will need to pay a small fee to get a decent MB/s and latency. This is purely an account recovery method for increasing your chances if you do get the account banned whilst botting, giving you a legitimate argument to remove personal blame.
      Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
    2. Nicotroll

      Nicotroll New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Well it depends what method wow uses to identify a user. I believe that WoW looks at more than the IP adress in order to identify your identity.
      I don't know for sure but just look at the system behind the authenticator. I have a dynamic IP and WoW still recgonizes me when I change IP and doesn't ask for my authenticator code.
    3. alzatar

      alzatar New Member

      May 15, 2013
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      What you are talking about is not the same thing though. You are talking about your local ip, no? I'm talking about your computers 'name' if you like. So if you tunnel out the client will ask you to enter your authenticator code every time you use a different tunnel as you will be using a different computer 'name' if you see what I mean. But for this to work you must not have an authenticator attached, for obvious reasons lol
    4. destinationunknown

      destinationunknown New Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      How the hell did you get it reduced to a 72 hr suspension? :)
    5. alzatar

      alzatar New Member

      May 15, 2013
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      I complained saying that I felt victimized and that I had no idea what was going on as I had been a loyal customer for 8+ years and that it was out of order that I could not access my account and that I would appreciate someone looking in to the matter as soon as possible. :cool:

      I'l be honest... I didn't think I was going to get it back. But there we go. I won't use this account with a bot again, that's for sure :)
    6. jlindstedt

      jlindstedt New Member

      Mar 10, 2013
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      Blizzard will unban you if they see access from ips that are not the players normal location. The problem with using public V P N s is that many other botter/hackers use them for this reason. Chineese power levelers and farmers use them all the time.

      Most public and even smaller private v p n are flagged by blizzard and will do you no good. In fact using many of them will get you banned much faster then using your own private ip address. The only way this will work is if you use a v p s or a service that gives you a private unique ip. Also, other factors then just ip address are used by blizzard in order to determine play location. People have tried this in the past and have put a lot of time/money into it only for it to fail.
    7. znebto

      znebto New Member

      Apr 6, 2014
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      Agree on the poster above. Public ***'s are even worse. I got 2 Accounts banned whilst the PQR Banwave, 1 Permabanned and one only a 72h Suspension.

      On the Account with the Permbanned I tried to always use a Public *** while botting/gathering/using PQR/PE/whatever. Tried to appeal the ban, no chance. Hours of GM Chats, hundreds of Tickets, simply no chance.

      On the 72h Supsension I never logged in trough a ***, always with my legit IP/MacID, and did just the same stuff as with the other account + shit like obvious wallclimbing and nonstop farming in 48h+ sessions
    8. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it doesend matter if you bot under a v p n or no v p n if they have proof of you botting they wil ban you anyways ive tryed this alot under v p n and without im getting the banstick evrytime that is why ive quitted with wow the game is boring anyways im playing now on xbox one mutch more better or i play hearthstone and also it doesend matter if you play under you own ip they wil just ban as fast as with a private v p n that you pay service for evry month

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