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  • Awesome Song About Raiding

    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by hDyz, Oct 25, 2010.

    1. hDyz

      hDyz Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      My real life buddy made this song about raiding, its really funny. Thought I'd share it for your listening pleasure. The Lyrics is also included in the description of the video and below.


      November 23rd 04'
      FedEx dropped something at my door.

      Looking back it's plain to see,
      that this was the end of you and me.

      It sucks we have two wonderful boys,
      When I'm raiding they make so much fucking noise.

      I have to keep my vent on mute,
      Guild leader says one more scream no more loot.

      Why'd you have to make me choose,
      between 25 purples and a life with you?

      The scales in my head,
      weigh out everything that we had...

      The winner it's plain to see,
      is the one who doesn't hold back sex from me.

      Thank you for being there,
      when the world was too much for me to bare.

      And when my parents died,
      you held me close while I cried.

      But one thing you didn't do,
      is upgrade one piece of my shitty blue.

      WoW is my fucking life,
      when I log in, there's no nagging wife to tell me no
      or where to go
      or how to spend my fucking time

      When my kids are old,
      please let them know
      there dad was hadrcore
      he used to 310 soar on a netherdrake.

      And he could stay awake 3 days in a row.

      Take my things, my kids away from me.
      Just don't take my PC.
    2. Taylor123123

      Taylor123123 New Member

      Jan 17, 2010
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      *Looks at camera for acceptance*

      Nice ending.

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