1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Mostly GB 2)If so, when was the last time? half of the bots were running, other half about 8 hours ago 3)What profile were you using?: Robotos profiles, which should be fully randomized 6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: between 2 hours only to 9 hours max 6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? with my eyes? 10%. But I?m most time next to the pc and have audio warnings for most happenings like whisper/teleport 10)EU or US realm? EU 11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? No SOR I got 8 accounts reduced to 72h ban by my appeal. I had some really old accounts, some reactivated old accounts and some brandnew accounts, too. No difference, all got banned. The new accounts I botted only for 2 hours a day to be careful, the old ones I botted about 9 hours, because it worked before... Just to mention, all of my shufflers and ah-bots survived! Was using Robotos profiles and changed them via HBRelog every 20 minutes. There?s only one conclusion for me. GB or Robotos profiles, one of both sucks...
I wouldn't say the profiles suck, It's probably someone reported one of your bots and it just so happens something linked all the other accounts too leading to an investigation. The fact you were so careful on the newer accounts also raises a flag in my mind that you must have had them linked somehow? Name, Address, debit payment, playing patterns etc?
I don?t think so. Different bot-schedule, different payments, different names/adresses/bnet-accounts. Never interacted between them in a direct way. Only link could be IP and/or MAC-Adress. BUT: I changed IP everytime I start new bots. And they locked accounts, which weren?t running during the ban (so had a different IP before). Another argument against: IF they would have checked, if they were linked, than my shufflers & Ah bots (2-3 farmers --> 1 shuffler & 1 ah-bot, which sells gold obiously and high amounts) would be gone, too. But they aren?t! And: I also have some farmers, who survived. I can?t say this for sure, but I?m really sure, it have to be another problem linked to GB.
ip and mac it is also keep in midn that this technique is quite new, blizz has always used delayed bans, so u might was a issue u've had 1-2 months or weeks ago i run robots client for 3 weeks straight, no bans no problems.
Yeah because Mkay knows everything about bans. Your such an idiot coming in all these threads acting like you know everything about bans. Your signature is is correct, you are a stupid fool.
If it would be "IP and MAC" - give me just one reason, not all farmers are gone. And if it?s IP and MAC - nothing about AH-Bots and Shufflers? I?m open minded, if you?re able to convince me
to be honest lolmaster, i dont know for sure - i dont wanna be a smartass i can only tell from my personal experience so far. i bot on roughly 6-12 toons, it varies from time to time. i have a different ip for everyone by using a *** i only run random profiles since this thingy came up, in my point of view it's the only way left to run GB2, that they are really completely random i agree on when i run, i have every bot in a VM so there cant be any links, not hardwareID neither ip so far this worked brilliant for me. we all know there must be more ways to detect bots, the way i'm afraid of is when you get reported by multiple players, a GM Checks your Acc and the IP the Toons come from and baem, there is the link...
i have one farm bot only and use roboto?s since 3 weeks 16/7 noproblem some days 24, sorry for youer lost bro , but i dont hink its from this profiels
hehe yeah just try how good its this but a will pause now XD , btw i think blizzard have some hidden scan programs scrpits what ever and dont trigger the tripeware i cant not believe ist the problem with this profiels und botbase like GB2 or gatherbro or lcp server side ..i just think so maybe ist right or not
I agree, exactly the same thing happened to me. Out of 14 accounts I have, they only banned the gatherers.