Hello, Ive read the post about lifetime keys expiring in 2018. But even tho my key is set to 2018, its saying its not a HB Key. Could you guyus plz hlp me ? Tyvm.
take a look here plz https://www.thebuddyforum.com/threa...nbuddy-and-hearthbuddy-lifetime-users.294249/
Oh...so its not that my key is valid till 2018. Its valid till 2018, BUT MOST IMPORTANT, only usable on HBv2 which does not support Legion or official servers at all.
Im sorry Tony, I cant seem to understand. According to BuddyAuth my key was activated on 11/30/2015 5:52:05 PM and its set to expire on 1/8/2018 5:52:05 PM. When i try to use it, HB gives aa msg saying its not a valid HB key. So is my key still valid ? If it is, could you guys plz fix it for me ? Tyvm.