My question is how what is the longest time you have gone without botting on any accounts under the same IP but receiving later receiving a ban. Ex: I botted 7 months ago for 3 hours a day for a month, never touched a bot after that for fear of losing the account. I just recently got banned this week after not botting for nearly seven months, etc...
there has to be something your missing I just dont see how this can be right. blizz wouldnt wait 7 months to ban you.
Maybe honorbuddy isn't detected at all and they're simply hashing our browser windows to the honorbuddy forums. I mean...if you're on the forums your guilty by association.
¯\_()_/¯ No really think about it!! The easiest way would simply be to have warden also run from the app and hash the browser windows. If it matches any of the bot-sites you get flagged. What reason could you possibly have for being on these forums if you are not involved in botting. Lot's of accounts got suspended even if they were not botting...I'm gunna go put on my tinfoil hat brb: / \ _/ _ \_ ...(>O.O)> SO... like I was saying. Aliens.