sorry for starting all these topics but im kinda lost, now ive been dead a few times and I heard about badnotes. how to use this?
In the map you places gatherbuddy.exe in you see an file called badnodes.xml you can open and edit that file with notepad. When you open it you see: <nodesBlacklist> <bad_location><name>Goldclover</name><waypoint>6064.631 4989.398 -95.52019</waypoint><comment>Automatic blacklist during manouver loop 1/18/2010 8:34:34 PM </comment></bad_location> </nodesBlacklist> something like this (<bad_location>..... doesnt have to be there but u can use it as an template for other bad locations.) You can just copy that bad location and put in your own coordinates + name of the node you dont want to be herbed. hope this helps
I dont got a folder with it in, i just got the program nothing else. maybe i downloaded the wrong GB?
hmm i guess you placed the gatherbuddy.exe on your desktop screen then? Look for an badnodes.xml there. Otherwise i suggest make a file in note pad and paste the following into the file: <nodesBlacklist> <bad_location><name>Goldclover</name><waypoint>6064.631 4989.398 -95.52019</waypoint><comment>Automatic blacklist during manouver loop 1/18/2010 8:34:34 PM </comment></bad_location> </nodesBlacklist> And press Save as, and save the file as badNodes.xml insert your own coordinates and name of the node ofc. Tip: Put gatherbuddy.exe in a folder because if you ever need debug file its easy to find instead of searching all over your desktop.
Maybe i understood you're question a bit wrong, my apology for that. Badnodes is a file that will make sure you wont go to wrong place to farm a node. For instance when you move near a mountain and on a very small cliff theres this herb but everytime you want to farm that herb you fall of that cliff. Badnodes just makes sure the bot wont farm these places. BUT you need to insert those places yourself in the badnodes file (what i explained to you). So if you die alot cos mobs are raping you at the same place over and over again it would be wise to enter those coordinates of those place into the badnodes.xml file so that next time the bot sees a herb near that location it wont just fly down and die again but ignore the node and continue its flightpath. hope this explains it a bit better
yeayea i know that, how to do it? I dont got a badnote file please explain abit more.. nooby, im not that smart with computers
ok so you dont have an badNodes.xml file at all. open notepad. Type this into the file. <nodesBlacklist> <bad_location><name>NAME OF THE NODE YOU TRIED TO FARM BUT DIED</name><waypoint>CLICK ON "MY LOCATION" IN THE GATHERBUDDY INTERFACE ON THE SPOT WHERE YOU DIED AND INSERT THOSE COORDINATES HERE</waypoint><comment>GIVE AN COMMENT WHY YOU BADNODE IT </comment></bad_location> </nodesBlacklist> once you done that save the file. Press "save as" and save the file as badNodes.xml in the same directory as gatherbuddy.exe (in your case save it on the desktop i assum). Now you have yourself an badNodes.xml take care for now gonna watch tv (everyone donate a bit of your hard earned gold to haiti guys!)