Using honorbuddy with gatherbuddy2 (haven't tried others with this toon), my druid just stands there and takes hits from everything, and then keeps healing until OOM. It pops back into Moonkin form, but then just stands there until the health drops below a certain percentage. I've used the exact same profiles on other druids with no problem, but consistently with one druid it fails to attack after it's killed the first few mobs. I use the same addons on all chars (bagnon, atlas loot, bg defender, chatter, dominoes, dropthecheapestthing, mail opener, titan panel). Can the WTF directory contain something that is preventing the character from attacking?
After a few hours, it started working correctly for the most part, but still fails from time to time.
i am having this same issue with all of the questing profiles for 70 - 80 / the tested ones in northrend. Tried two different versions and this problem is happening no matter what profiles I use.... It looks really obvious when a druids repetitively stands there and heals itself while letting itself die over and over again to anyone looking to report a botter.... Is there a fix for this?
Try using the plug in combat helper. It is in the plugns section of hb forums under uncategorized. Report back if that fixes the issue please. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk