Hello, I was wonder if you have 3 accounts on 1 battle net and bot on only one of the three and were to get caught will blizz ban the one or the whole Bnet account?
Only the botting account will get banned, the others are still safe. However, they MIGHT get banned for abusing ingame economy if you transfer gold/items to them from the bot account. They never bann complete bnet accounts.
the reason I ask is that i have 3 accounts, my main on 1, my wifes on the other, and 1 for the lvling buff and was starting to use the 1 for lvling to bot and leave the other 2 with mains alone but she was a lil mad at the risk of her lossing her druid lol so thought I should look into it a little more
Just post to guild bank and withdraw from second or main account, not sure though if that could still be considered as transferring gold to other accounts via the guild bank system? might be away to avoid the direct transfer of items or gold from bot to main account, so they leave your main account alone that is and you still get items with out risking that account, I have no idea or the time to read if someone knows please confirm if guild bank method would keep you safer?