I tried logging into my Farmer account today and it says info invalid, well i tried password recovery and says that Name and combo doesn't work, which i doin't know ALL the info as its a bought account, so can't really call them as in i doin't know address and stuff on the acount, but do the secret code word or whatever question answer I've gotten no emails nothing in regards to do, just says invalid info, anyone ever seen anything like that?
He could of taken it back and scammed you it looks like that, He called up blizzard said it got hacked then everything goes back to the original
yea i just saw the account login and sent him a msg and he talked to me said he was the orginal owner, kinda funny though been almost 2 years since i bought the account, told him good luck
Yea why i never buy accounts they will take it back, just give you time to do everything for them then bang they want it they got it
i didn't lose anything but a herber and miner so no biggie, his problem really constant botting for 1.5-2 years lol