1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Both 2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?: v2.5.9048.717 Release 3)If so, when was the last time?: about 7:33pm Australia Eastern time 4)What profile were you using?: DungeonBuddy LFR 5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Default Warrior 6)What plugins are you using?: Refreshment Detection, Roller 7)How many hours per day did you bot for?: 20+ 8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? 20% when doing things in house 9)How many auctions per day did you have?: 100-150 10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? WoWFisher, EasyWoWToolbox, AutoMouseClicker, KeySpam, MMOCrawlerbots 11)Was your account involved in gold selling? Buying gold long time ago 12)EU or US realm? US 13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? Paid My account got 72hr ban for botting 4 years ago cos I used paid levelling service. also got warning for buying gold. had been using WoWFisher for years, and EazyWoWToolbox last year for fishing only. also used AutoMouseClicker and KeySpam to farm mobs that runs to u. Untill I found out MMOCrawlerBots and HB 2 months ago. Used MMOCrawlerBots for a week and quickly switch to HB as HB is so much more advance. However I still use the Crawler, Autoclicker and keyspam for some features. but more than 90% the time I use HonorBuddy. Start off by botting 6 hours a day. Quickly rise to about 20+ hours a day because it's just so good to bot. I do all soft of things includes Gathering and farming older content, doing LFR for gears and some BG for fresh 90's, questing and grinding to level toons. I had to bot so much cos I got 11x lv90 need gears and stuff. longest session I use Gathering and BG is about 10 hours straight. so yeah there goes the account, im little sad but no regret of botting, I've lost interested in playing the boring game by hand LONG ago. the ONLY thing I really regret is that I JUST PAID FKN SIX MONTHS GAME TIME 2 WEEKS AGO!!!!!!!!! should have go monthly or 2 so I donno what to do now. is it wise to appeal and see if I can get account back? i don't think I'd open another account. what do u guys think?
Hi, sorry for your loss! I bet you lost your accounts because of gatherbuddy, which is atm unsafe. The time to stop have come. Do things in real life you though do while botting. You won't regret it either In half a year, in a year, maybe never, you can appeal for your accounts, but i would'nt. I lost an account 2years ago (was a hard botter), which was my main. I restarted like 2 months ago with new accounts, didn't bother to appeal previous account.. Good luck mate
I have log for all /say and whispers and I don't think I'd ever get player report. the only whisper is like someone ask if they can join my guild cos I am in realm top guild. I think the ban is cause by detection or way too long online time gathering/BG, unless some player found me botting/stuck and reported me without any kind of /say, whisper or emote, which is not normal players will do. 11 hours 1900 nodes is just not human. as I said I don't regret botting, most fuked up is I just paid 6 months game time. this game had becoming a joke, I turn on Lazyboxer and join LFR. got in at Paragon and I alt-tab out to browse web, cook lunch, clean house, wash my car, walk my dog and 2 hours later I tab back I see myself rezing people @ garrosh with 6 stacks of fail buff, lol I can't imagine if I was actually playing, which I've been doing for years. once u hack, u can NEVER go back lol, I think I'd spend a lot more time fishing now, on my boat, IRL!
haha, yeah, i'm gonna find something for you. This is quiete old story, but it became true. I'm seeking it
Ow i found it way to quicker !! http://www.rndbuddy.tk/botdetection-article.pdf This is it ! Just check "HOW TO" detect gatherbuddy without any reports Basically it is a blizz software that will extract all your waypoints (x, y, z) and check for redundance (human will never click on the same waypoint 5 times in 10 hours) and the user packet analysis (your robotical usage of spells, habits and things)