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    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by jungly, Nov 29, 2011.

    1. jungly

      jungly New Member

      Apr 19, 2010
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      and they were new too, they botted 8hours a day. Maybe ill reduce it down to 4 or 6hours? to teh point that now im thinking, if i bot for four hours at most, is it worth even herbing/mining.

      I've lost a today of 20accounts, they originally started at 24h , then to 16h , then to 8hours, now im moving down to 6/4 hours . This is over a span of a year.

      Is it coincidence, they've all been in Vash'jir?
      Last edited: Nov 29, 2011
    2. ahhnam

      ahhnam New Member

      Mar 8, 2011
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      1. How long in between were these accounts banned?
      (1 month apart from each? or more?)
      2. Since they were all on Vash'jir I am assuming that they were all on different servers, were they all on the same computer? Were all the accounts banned created using the same ip-address?
      3. How many stacks of raw materials were you posting on each account per day?
      4. Did you do anything else on these accounts aside from logging on and going straight to mining/herbing?

      Sorry for asking questions but please answer them if you have the time, just trying to see if your bans have any similarity to mine. Thanks for reading =).
    3. jungly

      jungly New Member

      Apr 19, 2010
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      All on illidan USA. Yes there's like 1000 bots on vashj'ir already anyways , illidan being the biggest server.
      Over a year, i get a few bans every month.
      All are on the same computer, they run on VPN. But then i realized, they get banned anyways, so its not a vpn issue.

      This time i really think i got reported from other botters, i'm thinking of switching servers because i dont see anyone complaining about bans on smaller servers where no one is there. Servers like blackrock/illidan/malganis and others have too many reporters. I had 4 other bots running the same profile, and they did not get banned (yet they botted same amount of hours) - so im thinking its just 'reported'. When i run uldum or other profiles that makes little gold, no one seems to report me and they dont get banned as much. The vashjir profiles get about 100 items per hour, which may be the issue. I thought reducing their hours from 16-12-8hours would do the trick but thats not the case.

      I got a couple of them unbaned and will downgrade to 6hours or maybe 4hours, i'm prediciting ill still get banned. I'm now going to test some bots on other servers horde side, any recommendations?
    4. jungly

      jungly New Member

      Apr 19, 2010
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      think i botting too long , is 8hours too much
    5. ahhnam

      ahhnam New Member

      Mar 8, 2011
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      Well I had around 6 accounts banned so far, 2 of them were in the same zone as you and botting around 6~8 hours per day. I have one running right now for test and its been over two months on 6~8 hours per day same zone only difference is when I have time I go on to do some daily (using kickazz's profile), instance and not botting over the weekend. So far so far and going to keep going with this and hope nothing happens for a couple more months.

      I also realized that most of the time they catch one of the bot and then they just ban everyone on that ip for the hell of it and it can easily be reverted simply by sending them a ticket.
    6. jungly

      jungly New Member

      Apr 19, 2010
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      I lost 5 accounts today, all got unbanned.

      But the next time i get banned, they wont reverse it. I know cause i've tested this theory on many accounts. its Two strikes your out.

      If you claim you got hacked, then they want ID.
    7. no1knowsy

      no1knowsy Well-Known Member

      Feb 28, 2010
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      Just change servers. Someone is reporting you. If you do try it again keep track of the names you see most often in that area. When/If your acct gets banned log on and see if any of those names never appear again, or if there is one that has been there forever and doesn't ever leave... I'm not saying Report him or anything of the sort. Botters should never report other botters. It's in the forum rules, at least not to discuss that you did or will.
      It's life. If a neighbor keeps calling the cops on you for smoking weed, and he does it too, then be better than him, and just leave. (this is on a "higher" level - Puns! Look at them!)
    8. Altoids

      Altoids New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      Sorry to hear about the bans but glad you got them back. Make sure you are using different profiles for each account - actually, I'd make complete custom ones if I were you if you're going to run multiple accounts at the same time like that. Good luck in the future!
    9. LiquidAtoR

      LiquidAtoR Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      If he did, I would bash his head in with a club and feed the leftover to my dogs after I had my fun ^^

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