If the next account goes gonna have to use V,P,N etc Pure Questing, over 95% watching (had to see if there were any bugs) The devs that I know are getting banned same day, so I do get the feeling we really are being watch/flagged.
my bug was he was flying for 5 minutes long from one point to another point til i stopped the bot and start then i got dc just watch out dont questbot afk its not detected but the quest profiles are.
Sorry for your loss. What server side traps could have been implemented by Blizzard to catch the questing behaviour?
judging by the pattern and the fact that mario usually gets banned on the same day as me, I'd say I was flagged and maybe they reduce the amount of player reports needed for a ban for flagged accounts.
1. I think a Blizz employee will investigate by the first report - no mather your history. 2. I think a Blizz employee will screen your computers memory to check what programs you are using. 3. I know Blizz checks IP, for example: When I got banned and made an appeal saying I was not at home, they said my account was logged on the same IP, I always use, at the moment I botted. 4. I think a Blizz employee can see if you use HB or any 3rd party programs. 5. I know a Blizz employee need to have proof that you are using HB actually for and in WoW, and file this proof. 6. I know a Blizz checks by lifting your char up and letting it drop from in the air to the ground so you get fall damage, and to see if your char instantly eat after., or drop your char into a pack of mobs to see how your char will react. I know this for 100% because a GM once showed me 4 years ago, a few ways how they investigate. 7. I think a Blizz employee will flag your account after they have proof you have been botting. 8. I think the chances are there that if you are unlucky, a GM might keep an eye on you and will check for you another time.
they used to do those things but they don't do that stuff anymore (GM putting in a pack of mobs etc) it's more automated these days.
Giwin, are those battlechests bought with the same paypal/creditcard? just wondering since you made a topic about the "discounted" battlechests.
Have you been banned again since the "small banwave going on" thread ? And werent you using the other questbot (not kicks) . ?
nope, the ones I got banned on were the full price ones... I'm not gonna appeal this time and see what happens.