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  • Banned....again

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by Frayman, Dec 16, 2015.

    1. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      Banned on wow1, wow2 , wow3, only one account that wasn't subscribed at the moment was left untouched.

      Its ok actually, because the game has robbed me of alot of activities and happiness in the real world and is definately parasitic, not to mention unbearably boring without the bot running.

      I was caught in the May banwave, and I just created more accounts to play on, basically just manual movement, and spending maybe only 2 hours a day fooling around LFR and dungeons. I also manually cleared my garrison and leveled followers, that sort of thing.

      I really stayed away from PvP this time as I figured maybe it was a report that got me, but this time I know its detected and therefore a done deal for me.

      I will definately remove WoW from the computer and never look back.

      Thanks for the good times while it lasted HB Staff, your hard work was much appreciated!

      Steve :p

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